Synopsis: Middle-aged baseball fanatic Joe Boyd, trades his soul to the Devil, also known as Mr. Applegate, for a chance to lead his favorite team to victory in the pennant race against the New York Yankees. As young baseball sensation, Joe Hardy, he transforms the hapless Washington Senators into a winning team, only to realize the true worth of the life that he's left behind. Joe ultimately outsmarts Applegate, returns to his former self and shepherds the Senators to the World Series.
Written By: Words and Music by Richard Adler and Jerry Ross
Book by George Abbott and Douglass Wallop
Directed By: Nick Hogan
Music Directed By: David Maurey
Choreographer: Kaylin Hogan
Audition Details
WHEN: Saturday, May 18th, 2024 OR Sunday, May 19th, 2024 at 1PM. Choose ONE date to audition.
WHERE: New Hope Christian Church Gymnasium - 1404 400 N, Columbus, IN 47203 (back building - not the main church building)
WHO: Actors, ages 7+ (rising 2nd graders and up). There are lots of speaking, singing, and ensemble roles to fill!
HOW TO PREPARE: Wear comfortable clothing and bring list of potential rehearsal conflicts. Audition will consist of singing, readings from the script, and a brief choreography/dance audition.
If you are auditioning for a lead or solo part: Prepare 16 bars of a song that best showcases your voice
If you are not auditioning for a lead or solo part: Come prepared to sing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" with a small group.
Youth (11&Under): Prepare to sing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" with a small group.
VIRTUAL AUDITIONS: If you cannot make the scheduled audition but would like to audition, email director Nick Hogan at by Saturday, May 18th, 2024.
CASTING AND REHEARSALS: Cast list will be released on the MRTC website and social media pages no later than May 24th, 2024. Rehearsals begin May 28th, 2024. Many of the principals will be called 3-4 rehearsals per week. Featured roles 1-2 times per week. The final two weeks of production will require more rehearsal. Please be mindful of your schedule as you think about the characters that interest you. For a full character list breakdown, scroll to the bottom section and click on it to expand it.
PERFORMANCE DATES: Friday, July 19th - Sunday, July 21st, 2024. Cast will be expected to be at all shows and all rehearsals during the week leading up to the show.
Questions: Email Director Nick Hogan at
There are plenty of ways to get involved backstage or on staff. Please visit our “Get Involved” page and fill out the form, or send us a direct message on Facebook or Instagram.
Legacy Sponsor:
William Eggleston
Director’s Circle:
Tracy Haddad
Executive Season Sponsors:
First Class Catering
Season Sponsors:
WWA Planning & Investments
Nancy & Eric Andrews
Jim & Sue Lindhorst
Cheryl Miles-Vieth
Patrick & Sharon Andrews
Activities are made possible in part by the Columbus Area Arts Council, Indiana Arts Commission, a state agency, and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency.
Generously supported by Columbus Area Visitors Center (