MRTC Sponsorships
Sponsor Levels & Benefits are listed below. Expand each section to see more details.
If you’re interested in becoming a sponsor - please email us at board@millracetheatre.org for more information.
Recognition in curtain speeches
Your company name on all posters, web, and email marketing
Full-page advertisement & listing as Executive Season Sponsor in playbills
Recognition in all media advertising
*Benefits applicable to all shows featured in one calendar year from time of donation
Recognition in curtain speeches
Your company name on all posters, web, and email marketing
Half-page advertisement and listing as Season Sponsor in playbills
*Benefits applicable to all shows featured in one calendar year from time of donation
Recognition in curtain speeches for selected production*
Listing as Production Sponsor in playbills for one calendar year from time of donation
$1000 - secures full page advertisement on back of the program for selected production
$750 - secures full page advertisement in program for selected production
*Benefits applicable to your choice of one of Mill Race Theatre Company’s productions.
Listing as Performance Sponsor in playbills for one calendar year from time of donation
$400 - secures half page advertisement in program for selected production
$250 - secures quarter page advertisement in program for selected production
*Benefits applicable to your choice of one of Mill Race Theatre Company’s productions.
Have your business logo appear on a page in the program along with other local businesses for selected production
*Benefits applicable to your choice of one of Mill Race Theatre Company’s productions.